School Meals

Lunchtime at St Luke’s
Children may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch.
They may choose either a sandwich lunch or a cooked meal.

School Meals
Meals are cooked and served on the premises. Please let us know if your child has a food allergy or requires a special diet.

The cost for a school meal is £2.30 a day or £11.50 per week. School meals are free for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

School administrative staff do not deal with dinner money; however, they are available for advice. All dinner monies are paid via Parent Pay an online system used making it easier for parents to pay and track their child's dinners.  Information is available from the main school office.

Free School Meals
If you think your child is eligible for free school dinners please contact our school office for a form or you can apply via the link below:

Free School Meals application form