Our school motto is: “Together we will flourish” .
Our school vision can be found below:
We work together to build long lasting, positive relationships. We have the confidence and resilience to succeed and overcome difficulties throughout life. We aspire to achieve our dreams by looking after our mind, body and spirit.
Your beginning will seem so small, since your future will flourish – Job 8:7
Where is St Luke’s School?
The school is situated along Fagley Lane, next door to St Luke’s Church which is on Harrogate Road, Eccleshill.
How big is St Luke’s School?
St Luke’s is a single form entry Primary School. There are usually 30 children per class.
Why is St Luke’s a ‘Church’ School?
St Luke’s School was originally built in 1843 at the instigation of William Scoresby the vicar of Bradford Parish Church (now the Cathedral). Nowadays St Luke’s school is controlled by the Local Authority but is still closely connected to St Luke’s Church. It is called a ‘Church of England Voluntary Controlled’ School.
How is our Church School different?
Worship is mainly of a Christian nature with prayers and the singing of hymns forming a large part of it.
Children will have an opportunity to understand and explore world religions and festivals, but Religious Education topics will always explore the Christian viewpoint first.
The children will be taught of Christ’s love for them and God’s forgiveness through Christ.
The children will attend a church service on Tuesday mornings.